Finally back in the saddle again. This is the second brew that I have made in the new abode. This one is worth a blog post, as the first one went well, lets just say that it went...not well. SWMBO gave me a free evening to do as I wish, she even suggested brewing, how can I say no. We moved into our place officially on 10/30/12 and closed on in the following February. I finally got my brewing stuff from storage the next year (long story) so I have not been brewing much. I have been seeking out many new IPA's though and I decide to brew one I want to drink that may have broader appeal with the family. I skew to the tooth enamel ripping bitter IPA's, so I went a little softer here with many late editions. It currently is fermenting away nicely in the basement at 70 degrees and smells AMAZING. Here are the beer nerd details:
17 lbs 2-row
.5 Crystal 60
.5 carapils
1 lb flaked oats
Mash at 152 for 70
sparge at 170 for 30
1.25 simcoe FWH
1.0 simcoe @ 20
1.0 sincoe @10
2.0 moasic @ 1
1.0 citra @ 1
.75 simcoe Dry hop
1.0 citra Dry hop
1.0 moasic dry hop
OG 1.076
FG ?
Cheers to making good beer, if feels great to be brewing again and I cannot wait to drink some of the new brew.