Monday, May 3, 2010

First Brew Day...

Here are some pictures of the first brew day.  I definately learned quite a bit and now I wish I would have done an easier brew for brew number one, but hey, as long as there is no contamination it should be at the minimum drinkable.  The biggest thing that I learned is that my kettle only hold 7 gallons.  I was shoot ing for 6.5 and forgot to factor in the amount of extract that needs to get put in so I over shot the water which lead to a much lower gravity than I was hoping for as I was not able to get all of the mixed extract in the kettle, painful lesson but I definately will never repeat that mistake again.  Fermentation started just fine and was active the next morning so I think it will be alright.  Here are the pics:

Steeping the Crystal 50/60

Hops all ready to go

The boil..bad pic it was rolling but looks flat here

Racking to Primary and getting ready to pitch

The sweet wort is aerated and yeast has been pitched.
All in all it was successful, the wait is killing me but hopefully I will know in about a month if I did alright!

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