Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cream ale in its prime...

The cream ale has been bottle conditioned for two months now.  Man what a difference time can make.  The flavor is way better and the hop aroma has really mellowed but is now in the sweet spot.  This is a highly quaffable session beer at 5% abv.  When Dank Brewer and I had a tasting there seemed to be a little twang in the beer, that is now gone and the finish is really nice.  The 1056 had great attenuation, by my calculations this yeast attenuated at 91%!  That is crazy!  The SG was 1.044 and the FG was 1.004.  The yeasties really liked this sweet wort!  The result is a really dry finish.  The beer has a really nice aroma, a little malty with the nice hop aroma from the 3oz dry hop, 2oz of cascade whole leaf and 1oz of centennial whole leaf.  The bitterness up front is mild, I used 1oz of cascades pellets for 60min and split a second ounce at 20 and 5 and 1 minutes.  This beer is really in its prime now and is really tasty!  Here are some very crappy pic of the 12oz I cracked last night.  There seems to be a little chill haze in this bottle, it was only in the fridge for about 90 min so maybe all of the yeast didn't drop out, I will try to get a better pic later, but here is what it looked like.  Cheers!

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