Friday, May 11, 2012

No Sparge Bitter Recipe - Update

Here are the numbers for the No Sparge Bitter.
OG 1.048
FG 1.012
4.5 % ABV

WLP007 is an AWESOME yeast. I have used it a few times now, and I am loving the quick (not hot) fermentations that I get, even at times without a starter. It ferments hard and quick. This one was completed in about 60 hours from pitch.

It sat in primary for 5 days and is now currently dry hopping in secondary. I just took a taste and I am pleased so far. Huge marmalade notes with some citrus. I am really digging the simcoe addition, and it plays really really well with the amarillo and glacier. It is however a little to aggressive on the bittering end. I am not convinced that it is too bitter, I am sampling it really early so I think that another few days in secondary, then some time in the bottle will treat it quite well. It has some really nice smooth malt qualities, and I am really liking that. Once it has had its time in the bottle, I will let you know how it is.


The homebrew club that I am a member has a members only competition in a few months at our summer bbq. The catch to this comp is that it has to be a lower gravity beer. By lower gravity we mean 6% abv or less because that is how this club rolls. I have been doing a lot or reading and watching videos on no sparge brewing. It seems interesting and also somewhat of a time saver and there is no real sacrifice. You may take a minor efficiency hit but to me that is not a big deal as this is going to come in somewhere around 5% and I am not trying to make a super high ABV beer, so if I miss my numbers, no big deal. I have a 60 qt Igloo ice cube mash tun with a cpvc manifold. It was plenty big for this beer. It is boiling away as I write so I will update with notes later. One thing I did want to say is that I crushed really tight at midwest, my lautering was really slow and almost stuck, so I sucked on the out hose and I got 170 degree wort in my mouth...OUCH, good thing I have some o'dell St. Lupulin to help out my tounge, damn that shit hurt like hell! Here is the grist and the gist:
6 lbs Optic Malt
5 lbs Pale Malt
.75 lbs Golden Naked Oats
.5 lbs Crystal 50/60
.05 lbs Roasted Barley
 Mash: Infuse with 3.76 Gallons for 60 min mash Mash temp was 153 after 60 min it was still 153
Add 4.94 gallons mashout water @ 190, temp stabilized at 170 Stirred and let settle for 10 min Lautered 6.5 gallons into brew kettle NO SPARGE!!
Yeast Nutrient @ 10
Whirlfloc @ 5
 Hop Sched: .25 oz Glacier FWH .5 oz Amarillo FWO .25 oz Simcoe FWH
.5 oz Amarillo at flameout .75 oz Glacier at flameout 1 oz Simcoe at flame out
White Labs 007 Dry English Ale
As you may notice, this is a play on Surly Bitter Brewer with a slightly different Grist since it is no sparge, just bumped up the base malts a bit. I also changed the hops since I love me some simcoe and I am interested in how these three play together. More to come...

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