Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Homegrown Cascade Hops!

2 Bags Homegrown Goodness

My cascade hops have finally matured. Mother nature held up nicely the past few weeks with temps in the upper 70's to mid 80's over the past two weeks! I got my rhizomes in the ground pretty late in the spring (mid may) so these needed the nice warm October weather that we had in Minneapolis to fully mature. I was worried that I would not be able to use these hops, but with the nice warm weather they came along nicely. I picked an insane amount over the weekend and I finally completed my second drying rack for them since I needed it. I went out and bought a scale yesterday to weigh the hops and they were less than I thought but with the first round that is dry I ended up with 6 ounces of homegrown cascades. I have one more drying rack that is full of hops that probably has 2-3 ounces on it when they are fully dry and I have a few more ounces left on the bine that I am going to try and get to this week! Cheers to good beer and homegrown hops! My next brew will most likely contain either some of the magnums or the cascades!

6 oz Vacuum Sealed for the freezer

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