Thursday, June 17, 2010

Grand Cru in the Fermenter

I was able to get the Grand Cru brewed last night 6/16.  The process was smooth and I am getting more efficient with y processes so that is a good thing.  This was my first time using DME and I wasn't all that happy with it.  It is messy, scorches easily and is just harder to deal with in my opinion. This was also my first time using honey as well, I used a little over a pound of honey! I hope the results are good though.  No big hiccups to report with this batch.  Got the wort cooled down and pitched some S-33 and has vigorious airlock activity this morning.  My OG was right where I wanted to be @ 1.058. Cheers


  1. Nice. Look at you just brewing like mad! Can't wait to try that S-33. Are you gonna stress the yeast at high temps at all?

    How much Honey did you use? 1 lb...3lbs?

  2. I used a little over a pound of honey. Yes the obsession of brewing is slowly taking over! You know me, I tend to pitch a little hot all the time, I am going to ferment in the lower to mid 70's. I have been reading about S-33 and there are very mix opinions on it, so I am interested to see what will happen. It is NOT a belgian strain from all of the stuff I have read, it is english but the company recommends it for belgian style beers...we will see if they are right!
